Online Gaming is on the rise and Fast Internet is Crucial - Classic Tech
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Online Gaming is on the rise and Fast Internet is Crucial

August 15, 2022


We have all played video games at least once in our lives, right? The first video game was “Tennis for Two” created by William Higginbotham. Visitors playing Tennis for Two saw a two-dimensional, side view of a tennis court on the oscilloscope screen, which used a cathode-ray tube similar to a black and white television tube. The ball, a brightly lit, moving dot, left trails as it bounced to alternating sides of the net. Players served and volleyed using controllers with buttons and rotating dials to control the angle of an invisible tennis racquet’s swing.
By the time of the Xbox 360 release, online multiplayer gaming was an integral part of the experience (especially “deathmatch” games played against millions of peers around the world for games such as Counter-Strike, Delta Force, Call of Duty Modern Warfare). Nowadays, many games have an online component that vastly improves the gameplay experience and interactivity, often superseding the importance of the player’s offline game objectives. The internet has played a very important role in online video games. The game can be fully enjoyed with a good Internet connection.
Online games make vast changes in the real world Everyone from different places is connected and bonding through online play. The online game enables gamers to talk and text with each other. Some of the most popular multiplayer games are:

1. Fortnite 2. PUBG 3. Free-Fire 4. Minecraft
5. Among Us 6. Dota 2 7. League of Legends 8. Roblox
9. Apex Legends 10. Counter-Strike

With the world having nearly 3.24 billion gamers, there is no doubt people love to play games. Everything from sports games to RPGs and shooters to puzzle games plays on a variety of consoles and devices. While some people like to play offline, many prefer to go online and play with friends or other players around the world. Everyone plays games either for fun or to achieve something. Games not only become a fun goal, but also a source of income. Audiences love watching gameplay videos of their favorite games. We know you’re one of them too, right? By broadcasting and uploading gameplay videos to various social media platforms, if the video gets a good response from the audience, you can also make a lot of money.

Evolution in online games plays a very important role in changing one’s life financially and mentally. Almost all games nowadays organize competitions and tournaments for their players. The term for the online gaming tournament is known as “Esport”. These types of tournaments have a huge prize pool for their winner.

Esports has grown exponentially in recent years, expanding into a major industry that shows no signs of slowing momentum. Indeed, the esports ecosystem is on pace this year to surpass $1 billion in revenue for the first time.
Yet, even as esports is coming into its own, not everyone understands exactly what it is and why it matters.
Esports create new career opportunities for gamers. The income of esports players in today’s world is more than the salary of a manager in a company.

When it comes to online games, the internet is the backbone of online games. Without having good internet speed during an online game, it’s like a “shoe without laces”, your shoe may slip out of your foot anytime if there are no such laces, when you have bad connection internet, your connection will be cut off and every action will be very slow and unresponsive.

If the question is about speed? Then Classic Tech is the answer. We offer high internet speed up to 1000Mbps with a very reasonable and lower price than Other ISP. When playing online games, users are curious about how much ping and consistency they receive. The ping and consistency performance of online games is already being tested by professional gamers and testers prior to launching the package. Here are some online game ping results:

PUBG (Player Unknown Battle-ground)

PUBG game is one of the most popular games for youth in Nepal. Becoming a professional e-athlete is everyone’s dream. For this, you need a good internet connection with high speed and low latency to beat your valuable competition. Join the Classic Tech Internet, which gives you ping up to 40 Ms per match. Another big deal is that you get a free dual-band 5GHz router with a Wi-Fi mesh system on demand. Get the same speed wherever you go, playing in any corner of the house with minimal delay. It will make every gamer’s dream come true when Classic Tech is combined with it.

Garena Free-Fire

The most active user game at the moment is Garena free fire. People from teenagers to seniors both play this game. All Nepalese free-fire players dream of playing world series and representing Nepal. Everyone wants to represent Nepal at that stage. Now, after the separation from the Indian server, the Nepalese player is starting to get more tournaments worth $ 1 million. All Nepali gamers want to win and become professional esports gamers. More and more players are failing to win such tournaments due to poor connectivity during the qualifier matches. To qualify and become the winner of each tournament and have a smooth game, all you need is an upgrade. Upgrade to the “Classic Tech”, and get free fire ping up to 20-30 Ms. Take full advantage of the 5GHz dual-band router and its mesh Wi-Fi system, which also makes you a gamer in the dead corner.

Valorant/Fortnite/GTA V online

Valorant, Fortnite, and GTA V are famous pc games among pc gamers in Nepal. All of these games have very high intense graphics, which are commonly played in Nepal. Are you one who is facing network error/ high ping during gaming? We just need a change to the Classic Tech Internet. Enjoy the advanced level of gameplay with minimal cost. Connecting to the Internet via an Ethernet cable will provide much lower latency with constant high speed.

Extra Benefits for Choosing Classic Tech:

– 24/7 Customer Support

With our inclination towards the motto of “Chhoyo Ki Chalyo”, we aim to provide the fastest and most reliable services that are carefully analyzed while meeting the actual demand of the customers. We provide 24/7 support to our customers to eliminate the internet problem within a few hours. We have our own app where customer can create a ticket and their problem will be fixed within an hour.

– Mesh Wi-Fi- system

We provide a Wi-Fi mesh system according to the customer’s request. Mesh Wi-Fi is built for all types of homes
specifically mid-size and large homes that have suffered from weak or incomplete Wi-Fi coverage.

– Reasonable Packages

Get 225 Mbps Unlimited for Rs 1099 only/Per Month

Get 275 Mbps Unlimited for Rs 1199 only/Per Month

Get 325 Mbps Unlimited for Rs 1499 only/Per Month

Get 625 Mbps Unlimited for Rs 2499 only/Per Month

Get 1000 Mbps Unlimited for Rs 3333 only/Per Month